About joining of Her Imperial Highness the Grand Duchess Maria Pavlovna to Orthodox Church

We declare to all loyal Our subjects:

Our Amiablest Aunt, the Grand Duchess Maria Pavlovna, having cognized and experienced through life in accord with Her Consort the truth of Orthodoxy and guided by the spiritual inclination has expressed Her wish to join Us in faith and communication through church prayers and sacraments. To Our greatest joy, today She adopted Our Orthodox faith and Saint Anointing.

Heralding this desired event to all Our loyal subjects We command - enjoin to name Her Imperial Highness Pious Grand Duchess.

Given in Tsarskoye Selo, on the 10-th day of April, in the year of the Lord one thousand nine hundreds eighth, the fourteenth year of Our Reign.

On the original, by Own, of His Imperial Majesty, hand signed:


Translated from the Russian official text published in the Full Collection of Laws of the Russian Empire, 1908, #30236.

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