Her Imperial Majesty Empress Victoria Feodorovna

Her birth at Malta

Court Circular. Windsor Castle, November 27. //The Times, November 28, 1876

Her Majesty received on Saturday night the joyful intelligence of the Duchess of Edinburgh's confinement at 6 o'clock that evening at Malta and of the birth of a Princess, Her Majesty's sixteenth granddaughter and twenty-fifth grandchild. Both the Duchess and infant Princess are geing on quite well.

Latest Intelligence. Malta, November 30. //The Times, December 1, 1876

The Council has voted a congratulatory address to his Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh on the occasion of the birth of a Royal Princess on this possession of the English Crown.
... it would be a source of great joy to the entire population if the Queen would be consent to accord to the Royal infant the style and title of Princess of Melita.
Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Edinburgh and her child continue to progress favourably.

Court Circular. Windsor Castle, December 3. //The Times, December 4, 1876

The Queen continues to receive the most favourable accounts of her Royal Highness the Duchess of Edinburgh and the infant Princess.

Court Circular. Windsor Castle, January 10. //The Times, January 11, 1877, page 9.

The infant daughter of the Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh was christened at the Palace of St. Antonio at Malta on the 1st of January, and received the names Victoria Melita. The Queen was one of the sponsors.

Latest Intelligence. Malta, January 11. //The Times, January 12, 1877, page 5.

Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Edinburgh had a Receiption at the Valette Palace this afternoon, which was numerously attended by all classes of the community — English, Maltese, and foreigners.

Latest Intelligence. Malta, January 24. //The Times, January 25, 1877, page 5.

The Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh embarked here this morning on board Her Majesty's ship Helicon for the Piræus on a visit to the Court of Greece. The children remain here during their Royal Highnesses' absence.

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