Her Imperial Highness Grand Duchess Maria Pavlovna

Birth: Wednesday February 4, 1786 February 15, 1786 at 8¾ p.m. in presence of Her Imperial Majesty in the apartments of Her Imperial Highness the Lady Grand Duchess in the Winter Palace, St. Petersburg. Father: His Imperial Highness the Lord Caesarevich and Grand Duke Paul Petrovich. Mother: Her Imperial Highness the Lady Grand Duchess Maria Feodorovna.
Christening: Thursday February 12, 1786 February 23, 1786 at 11 a.m. in Grand Court Church, Winter Palace, St. Petersburg by the Confessor of Her Imperial Majesty, Member of Saintest Governing Synode archpriest of Moscow Annunciation Cathedral John Ioannovich Panfilov.
Godparent: Her Imperial Majesty The Lady Empress (paternal grandmother, present)


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